
744 Shenango Rd. Suite 2, Beaver Falls, PA 724-359-1045

Grow your business

with Pay-Per-Click Ads

You’ll have a highly engaged target audience. Our team of digital advertising strategists will carefully choose relevant keywords for your ads to make sure we’ll target only people actively searching for your products or services. Your ads can be shown on Google, Bing, Facebook, YouTube, or other websites that your potential customers may be searching for your product.

Call today to get started
(724) 359-1045
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm ET

Search Statistics

product searches that begin on Google
use Google 3+ times a day or more often.
likely to click on the first set of results
of all worldwide searches made on desktop are done via Google.

Source: https://www.oberlo.com/blog/google-search-statistics

We focus on what matters most to you. Results.

Drive web visits

Grow online sales, bookings, or form submissions with online ads that direct people to your website.

Get Phone Calls

Increase customer calls with ads that feature your phone number and a click-to-call button.

Drive Store Visits

Get more customers in the door with business ads that help people find your company on the map.

Our Digital Lead Generation Process

Step 1.

Research & Set-up

You’ll have a highly engaged target audience. Our team of digital advertising strategists will carefully choose relevant keywords for your ads to make sure we’ll target only people actively searching for your products or services. Your ads can be shown on Google, Bing, Facebook, YouTube or other websites that your potential customers may be searching for your product.

Step 2.

Launch, Manage & Optimize

Your ads will be managed by a team of experts in digital marketing. Each campaign is monitored daily by a Google Certified Individual to ensure performance. Keywords, ads, and landing pages will be constantly monitored and optimized by a person not "Machine Learning" or a computer program. Your predefined goals of either phone calls, emails and/or store visits will be the focus of the campaign. These actions or goals are called leads. Each component of your campaign will be continually optimized and focused on creating more QUALITY leads.

Step 3.

Analytics & Measurement

You will receive monthly performance reports and have access to a reporting dashboard to see how your campaign is performing in real-time. At the end of each campaign, we match the leads generated via the campaign to your sales database to determine the return-on-investment (ROI). Most agencies rely on clicks, conversions, phone calls, or emails for their reporting. Although those metrics are important too, we go beyond the industry norm and measure your results to what matters most to you. More customers.

Brian Sorce

Your Business's

Marketing Expert

Brian Sorce

Account Executive
my marketing tool kit

I love generating leads (quality leads) for my clients because it is the core of what matters most to them – results. All leads are not created equal, which is why the emphasis is needed on quality.

Verticals: Home Services, Automotive, Restaurants, Medical, E-Commerce, Small Businesses and more.

Products: Print Media, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Direct Mail, Television, Radio, Billboards, Newspaper, Reputation Management, Search Engine Optimization, and more.

Google Ads Search Certification
Google recognizes my mastery of the fundamentals of building and customizing effective Google Search campaigns.
Facebook Certified Digital Marketing Associate
Proficient in the skills, tools, advertising policies and best practices required to buy ads on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.

Call today to get started
(724) 359-1045
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm ET



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Marketing Expert

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(724) 359-1045
Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm ET

grow your business with us



The word Science is from the word Scio which means “to know", and it’s true, knowledge is power and especially in marketing.

WE ARE the advertising “scientists”

We create the precise formula for your business to thrive.

WE ARE the advertising “word smiths”

We can pen the motivational message needed to influence your customers.

WE ARE the advertising “artists”

We compose those memorable designs by which your brand will be known.


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